STA 449 F1 Jupiter®

Fascinating Flexibility in Thermal Analysis

The STA 449 F1 Jupiter® combines unlimited configuration flexibility and unmatched performance in just one instrument.

  • Thermal stability, decomposition behavior, composition, phase transitions, melting processes to be analyzed comprehensively and quickly
  • Easily to use top-loading system with exceptionally precise balance resolution
    (25 ng resolution at a weighing range of 5g) and highest long-term stability
  • Interchangeable sensors for DSC measurements with highest sensitivity and best reproducibility for reaction/transition temperatures and enthalpies as well as for measurements of specific heat
    (videoclip for sensor exchange)
  • A variety of optional system enhancements for ideal system adaption to user-defined applications
  • Various furnaces, easily interchangeable by the user, available
    (optional a swiveling double hoisting device for two furnaces) – please see accessories
  • Pluggable sample carriers (TGA, TGA-DSC, TGA-DTA, etc.)
  • Automatic Sample Changer (ASC) for up to 20 samples
  • Automatic evacuation and refilling (AutoVac)
  • Plenty of accessories, e.g. sample crucibles in the most varied of forms and materials
  • Unique for STA: temperature-modulated DSC (TM-DSC)

All these features make the new developed STA 449 F1 Jupiter® the ideal tool for thermal analysis of materials in the fields of research, developments and quality assurance.